Monday, March 8, 2021

 I'm trying to focus myself on specific goals every day. Today I am focussing on some March financial stuff at work. I'm watching a bit of TV. There was a beautiful episode of American Gods on LGBTQ+, it felt so right for me. 

Let's do my ABC Please for this week

A - Accumulate positive experiences : Wake up early, keep clean, cycle, pro social relationships

B - Build mastery - I got some new targets and hit some achievements on strava

C - Cope ahead - I'm not doing so well at this. I am not able to think about the future very well

P - Physical illness prevention. Perhaps if I didn't eat so much junk food. I am trying to eat more yoghurt.

L - Low vulnerability to diseases. Keep active. I need to eat more veggies. Maybe I'll get some Yoghurt soon

E - Exercise regularly. Cycling, part of my daily routine

A - Avoid mood altering drugs. Does takeaway count? In addition I had a beer yesterday. An alcoholic one

S - Sleep healthy. I am far from having my old insomnia problems, but I have been successful at waking up and sleeping at broadly regular times

E - Eat healthy - I've got to work more on this. Did I mention the Yoghurt? 

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