Thursday, July 2, 2009

bite the bullet, for he who hesistates, masturbates

I just bit the bullet and asked my referees (for my 4 past applications) for another reference. Who knows what will happen? I'm scared, shit scared. I just did it without thinking too much. Of course I was reluctant. I consider this my last PhD chance before going into work applications.

In other news, my relationship with food is changing. Food is a comfort for me, an emotional barrier, like as if to say; 'at least I have food' when things are getting me down.

I should learn to just say 'i'm fucked' and accept it. Well not just accept it, but plan how to get back on track.

I feel like a loser, but at least I'm in front of the computer again, I've been away for a couple of days being at my girlfriends place.
 I got more applications to keep getting on with. Rolls royce rejected me but they said 'don't give up'. How nice of them

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