Thursday, July 30, 2009


No, this is not a post in moral philosophy of economic raitonality.

Yesterday, after much thought about the issue and no action. I went with my girlfriend to a job acengy. My girlfriend went to the other, my crutch excusing me (after taking a wrong turn), being an emotional crutch of a girlfriend, she took away my anxieties by coming with me.

I have recieved a form from one of the recruiting agencies. I have filled out the form and will give it to the fellow at the desk later. What I shall do now, I'm not sure.

I've been scared of physically going into the agency building. I am physically scared of going into buildings like job centres and agencies because the internet is such a way to hide behind. Phone calls I also don't like compared to emails. Yesterday, and today (after going into the agency). I will have grown and jumped into the adult world

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