Saturday, May 22, 2021


It's 3am and I've written two therapeutic exercises already. I want to try and focus.

A: Accumulate positive experiences

- This weekend if I can clear all my tabs on google keep, maybe plan for coming weeks. If I can read my magazines and clear the PDF reading tasks. If I can cope with brother visiting. If I can cope with getting the 'minimum' done. That would be positive.

B: Buil mastery in activities

I'm feeling a bit off this weekend. Perhaps the best mastery I can build is the ability not to scream. The ability not to show extremes of character. Aristotelian Arete. The happy medium.  The impossible archery shot. Not too angry. Not too sad. Not too overcome by negative feelings that it clouds my ability to be productive. Not too many triggers. I feel like the triggers keep coming and coming and .... I need to focus on this writing task.

C: Cope ahead

If I set plans for the day. If I can plan my work tasks for the week. If I can run the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds of distance run. That would be enough for now

P: Physical illness prevention

Maybe I could try and go for a bike ride

L: Low vulnerability to diseases 

No junk food I guess? I don't know really. I don't know how to cope with this one right now. I'm feeling very vulnerable. Maybe if I rested more. Maybe if I made a point to just lay down even if its not going to lead to sleep. I just be in a moment of stillness. 

E: Exercise regularly. In the course of this week, I did a class on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I think I might not do any more this weekend. I think I need to focus on other things. I think this one has been satisfied

S: SLeep healthy: see above

E: Eat healthy: 

I'll try and have more veggies. If I can make it to Waitrose tomorrow, I'll get some strawberries. How about that?

This ABC PLEASE felt really hard for me today.I'm getting lots of triggers and my instincts want to focus on ndistress. Is this when mindfulness comes in? 

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