Monday, October 30, 2023

abc please: 1420 30/10/2023

ABC Please: 

A: Accumulate positive experiences, last week I met a friend from last year. she's a friend, a new friend I met IRL only once and we interacted abit on socials, then comicon. comicon was just perfect

B: Build mastery in activities that make you feel confident: I improved in my running/cardio

C: Cope ahead: I'm trying. I need to do my timings. I'm struggling with keeping organised. Having said that I planned this would happen because I oboked today off of work

P: Physical illness prevention: Umm. I'm not sure, I've been very physically active. That's good?

L: Low vulnerability to disearses : I had the flu jab, a few panic attacks, I vomited from nausea over the past few days

E: Exercise regularly: in a word, yes

A: Avoid mood altering drugs. I don't think I had any alcoho. lately. I did have some takeaways

S: Sleep healthy. insomnia has been *manageable* but very present

E: Eat healthy: Could do better. My bodyfat's gone down but my weights' gone up

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