Sunday, August 6, 2023

 abc please : 

A : Accumulate positive experiences: I socialised multiple times this week. 

B: Build mastery in activities: although I didn't do loads compared to past weeks I did do a few days where I hit 120mins of cardio

C: Cope ahead: I'm getting better at this

P: Physical illness prevention: I had a wonky ankle after doing 120 mins of cardio

L: Low vulnerability to diseases: my bodyfat isn't going down, but it isn't majorly going up either

E: Exercise regularly: I've hit the minimums

A: Avoid mood altering drugs: you know I don't think I've had any takeaway this week, no that's not true I had burger king

S; sleep healthy: i've been okay with this

E: Eat healthy: Yaweh permitting I wouldn't have eaten 3000kcal surplus like i did last sunday

sunday 6 august 2023

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