Tuesday, November 15, 2022

 In the past year I've set up google keep memory cards to remind me of songs from specific years and each one gives a meaning to me or reminds me of a memory. 

I'm listening to 'enjoy the silence'. I remember this song, it was 2007. I was out of hospital for a few montsh and tried to give the doctors and counselling a go. I was doing my finals (early 2007) and I ended up with a 2:i. I spent a long few nights working on my uni work. Between being hospitalised and doing my finals I surely changed.

Later in 2007 after the summer I changed again some more. This isn't really crystallised in a song when I listen to it as a memory. When I listen to a song I think of a fixed immortal moment in time. That's not how time works though. Time is ever fleeting, just as the song fades out, one phase of life transitions into another. Just as it did then it will now.

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