Tuesday, March 15, 2022


A: Accumulate positive experiences

I've had a diffiuclt day (Monday) but my saving grace is that I did some gym for over an hour and a bit of cycling whihc helped my mood and felt positive

B: Build mastery in activities 

I'm working on building my resilience. it's harder when I feel worn down. But all the more important. My piano teacher used to say that the most important time to practice is the times when you feel you can't. Likewise sensei in aikido used to say that we do these difficult exercises because if we didn't continue to do these exercises, we'd lose capability

C: Cope ahead

I'm planning some tasks for the weekend already. Service the bike and some learning tasks

P: Physical illness prevention

I need to rest more and keeping physically active and eating better will help

L: Low vulnerability to diseases

More veg. I feel vulnerable to weakness at the moment so I need to improve on this

E: Exercise regularly

I didn't do gym on Sunday but I did go on a bike ride on Saturday. I did a class on Friday, on Wednesday and Thursday I did some cycling around working in the office, so...I'm doing okay on this?

A: Avoid mood altering drugs

I had a kebab --- is that bad?

S: Sleap healthy

I'm up at 3am, I need to work on this.

E: Eat healthy, there was some veg in the kebab and meat skewer I made

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