Monday, February 8, 2021

 ABC Please

Accumulate positive experiences: What counts as positive experience when I'm at home all the time?

It's nicely snowing outside, its a beautiful view. I have also cycled a bit lately

Build mastery in activities you feel confident in: I'm working a lot more in my admin and I got a fair amount done, there's more to do but I feel like every day I have gotten a bit of groundwork done

Cope ahead: that's sort of what the admin is for. But I think I could do a lot more. I've just gotten quite tired when I do too much admin or too much reading. 

Physical illness prevention: I could cut down on junk food, by that I mean takeaways

Low vulnerability to disease: if I have good sleep health, good diet and good activity, I can beat this

Exercise regularly: Cycling. It's snowing today. Perhaps I'll consider an alternative to cycling. 

Avoid mood altering drugs: Junk food

Sleep healthy: I've done really well at this lately. I just need to keep it up. If I keep busy through the morning, afternoon and early evening, I wear out by the night time. Then I wake up really early. I'm okay with that. The last few hours my brain is totally worn out though

Eat healthy: avoid those quavers, avoid takeaways. That's easier said than done for me. Also avoid buying those desserts. The acceptable desserts are: cream with your coffee, strawberries. That's it.

My friend from school is at a panel event on key workers at work. I'm so proud of him. Looking forward to it now...

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